Class Blogger Response

Kathleen Leite
2 min readMar 17, 2021

Regarding minimum wage, although it changes every year, many people feel unhappy with balancing the national wage with the cost of living. While minimum wage is directed towards the younger generation with first job experience, many parents rely on this pay to support their family. With limited outdoor necessity, there is no need to spend money at any restaurants or outdoor locations. The economy has been struggling to meet demands.

With the lack of availability to decent work, this becomes the only option for many families. Without believing in any opportunity to receive more or fight for more, the class system continues. This can be unsettling for low income families that are looking for work, but also affect those who took the small business risks, now facing the pandemic’s effects.

Affecting the business realm, many small businesses are finding it difficult to keep up with the changing wages. Specifically, under COVID-19 business decrease, it has become worse.Bigger businesses are pushing to provide more to their employees because they are able to afford it, completely crushing the potential of smaller businesses. Medium Blog writer Kelvin Babu, writes “Brad Close, a writer’s/opinion contributor for USA TODAY, as well as the president of the National Federation of Independent Business, informs his readers of a certain advertisement in Washington D.C. media that supports an increase of the minimum wage to $15. Most notable about this specific advertisement, is that it is sponsored by none other than the super-giant corporation itself, Amazon.” (Babu, 2) These big corporations are pushing for higher demands than the average businesses are able to meet.

Unable to fight back, small businesses are being demolished and struggling to operate during this ongoing pandemic. With not a slight idea when high demand will return, this problem identifies the issues that continue within the low income and decent work opportunities. Babu also mentions, “However, the first step is awareness. Recognizing negative transgressions on the part of big business and even government is the first step to being able to make a change.” (Babu, 4) In order to resolve issues within this financial hierarchy, the government must recognize these issues and put more effort into teaching the lower income population of the ways around financial instability. By putting more money into these supporting programs, lower income businesses can become more stable during troubling times. This can create a balance among the business district and reveal a new lifestyle without tremendous lack of decent work.

Works Cited:

Babu, (2021). Minimum Wage: An Underhanded Big Business Attack. Keep Our Growth Growing. Vol 1, 1–3.



Kathleen Leite

Finding solutions to the world, one step at a time